Freshen up your bathroom

Sometimes it only takes a few interior design ideas to turn a nondescript bathroom into a wellness spa. Here are a few tips for your own relaxing day spa at home:

1.    Matching soft furnishings are crucial for the perfect feel-good atmosphere. We would like to recommend our Elli hammam bath towel, which is available in ten different colours, so that you can add an individual look to your bathroom.

2.    Our waffle towels will also add a splash of colour to your bathroom. For a special decorative touch, roll these towels and place them in a woven basket – this will remind you of the relaxing atmosphere of a spa hotel.

3.    Try to keep your surfaces free from tubes, hair ties, make-up brushes and other bits and pieces. Tidy them away in our woven baskets. Depending on the sizes you choose, you can either place them on a shelf or stow them away underneath the sink.

Fresh-up für dein Bad

4.    Our Lilly and Mimi make up bags in a bright retro look are also perfect for keeping things organised. These bags come in two sizes, ideal for tidying away everything that shouldn’t be left lying around.

5.     Und wohin mit der Wäsche? Ab in einen unserer Flechtkorb-Klassiker. Du hast die Wahl zwischen Körben mit und ohne Deckel, runden und eckigen Formen sowie einer großen Auswahl an Farben und Dessins.

6.     Apropos Farben: Entweder stimmst du deine Farben Ton in Ton aufeinander ab, das sorgt für Ruhe und Harmonie. Oder du folgst dem Trend auf Bunt und mixt verschiedene unterschiedliche Farbtöne. So kannst du gerade in einem weißen Bad gezielt Akzente setzen.